
Are you considered a home owner when you actually own the home (no mortgage) yourself or if you're paying...?

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a mortgage still?




  1. I think you "own" something if you don't owe anything on it.  If it is paid in full and free and clear of all loans.  If not, the bank owns it, and it can be taken away from you if you don't pay them.  

  2. You own it.   You borrowed money and paid the seller in full.  You are now repaying the loan.

    On a small scale you own your shirt when you use a credit card to buy it.  The shirt seller gets their money and you claim the shirt as your own, even if you will be paying for said shirt in monthly installments to your credit card company.

  3. Both, a non-would be someone who rents, but with or without a mortgage, ultimately you still own the home. homeowner

  4. If you are on the deed to a house you are considered a homeowner. The home may or may not have a mortgage. You may or may not be paying the mortgage if there is a mortgage.  

    I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.

    "FIGHT ON"

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