
Are these pills effective on UTI's?

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they are called Pirimir Fenazopiridina, i think its in spanish,please help..




  1. Yes...but it makes your potty really funny colors.  You should NOT take pyridium if you have kidney problems like kidney stones.  Pyridium in some cases has caused kidney failure in people with kidney problems.

    When this infection has passed, take a daily dose of 4 gelcaps of garlic.... Drink lots of water every day.  8-10 glasses.  Take showers instead of baths and if you want to sit in the tub, just make sure there's only body soap, shampoo, bubble bath, hair from shaving, shaving cream.....just water in the tub.....

  2. Pyridium treats the spasms that can occur with a bacterial infection.  drink lotsa water, pure cranberry juice, and finish all antibiotics prescribed.

  3. Pyridium(US brand name) is indicated for the symptomatic relief of pain, burning, urgency, frequency and other discomforts arising from irritation of the lower urinary tract mucosa , Pirimir is the Mexican brand name,Fenazopiridina is the Spanish generic name.

    it would relief the symptoms, but does not cure the infection

    you need an antibiotic also, for the treatment of the Urinary Tract Infection

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