
Are there any universites where I can take a BA Major in English Language Studies with a Minor in English Lit

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I'm in Greater London.





  1. Pretty much all the universities in London offer those subjects either as combined studies or separately.

    Not including specialist universities, there are 22 universities in London. It's worth having a good look around them all (on the web that is, it would take to long to do in person lol). Here's a list:

    It's also worth having a look on

    And the first answerer is wrong, some universities in England do offer major / minor options.

  2. I have no idea how things are in London, of course. But in the U.S., at least at my school, you can not Major and Minor in English (even if it's a different "branch" of English).  I asked if I could Major in English Literature and minor in Creative Writing (also considered English), and my advisor said I could not.  

  3. I will tell you the same thing I tell everyone else. Go and do a course search on UCAS ( It's very strange that you say "major" and "minor", they're quite American terms and in the UK whilst you can do joint honours degrees you don't exactly do a major and minor.

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