
Architectural Photography as a career...?

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I'm going into my Junior year of college and while my major is technical photography...I think I have decided to "specialize" in this type of photography (Architectural). What are bits of advice you would give to me? What should I minor in? Business? Some kind of drafting and design? Your thoughts would be much appreciated.




  1. I've been told to minor in something completely different from your major to become more well-rounded. So the business minor sounds good. I personally don't know much about Architectural Photography - Sorry!

    Good luck!!

  2. Wow.  That degree is a steb below art history in the world of unemployment.  Your completely screwed if you major in that and graduate.  YOu will be broke.

    Think to yourself what can you get a job doing right now if you left school.....-nothing.

    So change yourmajor or your toast.

  3. i would minor in it trust me my uncle majored and he takes childrens pictures in sears...

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