
Anyone that has gotten healed from Fibromialgia?

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Anyone that has gotten healed from Fibromialgia?




  1. Yes!!

    I have it and it is a hellish disease! But I read this encouraging story in Guidepost magazine last year you might wanna check out!

    It may not be a "disease" but it sure feels like it and should be taken as seriously as one!

    Having enough Vita D is important but it will not cure it. People with severe Vita D deficiencies may have similar symptons of Fibro./ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome but people will w/Fibro. won't be cured by having high doses of vita D. It does help however to take a lot of vita D and Vita Bs.

  2. Hi

    Checkout this website and forum -

  3. i have been taking this supplement corvalen and had reiki sessions and i haven'd had any muscle aches since.

    corvalen you can buy online. it is a ribose sugar that you mix with water. The ribose helps your body metabolize phospate better. a buildup of phospate leads to muscle aches. it tastes good and I haven't had any side affects. it works.

    i also get reiki sessions (look in your yellow pages under hollistic medicine) bi-weekly to help with the energy flow.

  4. First of all, Fibromyalgia isn't a disease.  It is best described as a syndrome. ( ie a group of symptoms with no obvious cause or relation to any known disease)

    It is a diagnosis of exclusion...that means if you ache all over, and feel tired, and no obvious reason is identified after appropriate investigation, it is labeled fibromyalgia (which is really just Latin for "sore connective tissue")

    The cause is unknown.  It does seem to affect women far more than men.  There are lots of theories about it...which means nobody has a clue.  There is no one treatment that works across the board.  Anti-depressants seem to help some people, proper sleep and exercise is usually recommended.  I've never heard of the Vitamin D link, but basically there are dozens of ideas of the cause and treatment.  Bottom line...nobody really knows.

    There are some ideas that it may represent the brain over-reacting to normal stimuli, and misinterpreting them as painful. Possibly a viral infection and an injury starts the whole process.  It may be a learned behaviour that becomes entrenched.

    For the vast majority of FM sufferers the symptoms eventually fade, and it tends to last about a decade on average.

  5. Fibromialgia - É possivel controlar e por vezes anular a mesma! Durante 2,5 anos a minha esposa (43 anos) esteve em cadeira de rodas sem sair de casa senão para consultas médicas. Estando eu ligado à medicina natural já por 20 anos, e sem efeitos na medicina tradicional, especializei-me nesta doença e em cerca de 6 meses tratei-a e hoje já anda sozinha na rua e as dores reduziram mais de 80%.

  6. Try VEMMA (made from mangosteen fruit)

    It's a vitamin supplement that may help...

    learn more and order at

  7. Fibromyalgia and Chronic fatigue are now thought to be caused by a severe lack of Vitamin D.  The RDA says we only need 400 units of Vitamin D per day, this is total nonsense.  If we stand in the sun (without sun screen) for an hour we will synthesize about 10,000 units of Vitamin D.  Because of the fear of skin cancer people have not been getting nearly enough Vitamin D from the sun.   Reports of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue began appearing soon after 1971 when the warnings about skin cancer from too much sun exposure became public.

    People with Fibromyalgia need about 2400 to 2800 units of Vitamin D per day.

  8. I am sure that some healed at the Lakeland Florida healing revival have been healed of this.

    There is a link to the Lakeland Revival at

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