
Any one with an extra buildabearville bear activation code?

by  |  earlier

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I really need a buildabearville activation and key code for my little cousin who loves playing on buildabearville but no one can afford a bear for her. If someone would be so kind as to give me a code that they HAVEN'T used i would be sooooo happy and so would she!!!!

thanks so much and god bless!




  1. im sorry but i dont have one but  all these freaking mean jearks are not helping at all .   times are hard now but thats not nice to be so rude to someone who needs help plus mabe she using a library computer you dont know anyhing so just shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Don't u think u r being a bit harsh I mean i don't know the gal but she obv desperate for a code. But i suppose the rest of u are right some of the bears only cost 10 doller's for christ sake so gal just get ur butt down to a build a bear store i mean if u don't thats just down right Lazy Man x

  3. you all are f*****g jerks

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