
Any ideas for my Tree of Life tattoo?

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I'm planning to get a tattoo on my right foot of the Tree of Life. For one, there's no real definitive for what this tree should look like, but I believe I want it to be as intricate root-wise as a foot-sized tattoo can be (similar to these I would really love to have some input on a good placement for this so that it's not awkward. I am thinking to have it cover about 60% of my foot. I think it would also be cool to have either "I am the Life" or "Life" woven into the roots somehow. First, will this work? I understand about my lines not always being so crisp, but I'm not familiar enough to know specifics. If it will, any ideas how? I really appreciate your help.

Notes: I know that it will hurt--it's a tattoo, not a stamp. I know that the foot wears faster than other places--I'm okay with touch-up, and I wear sandals or no shoes 95% of the year. This is not on a whim--I have been thinking about this for quite some time. I WILL be going to an artist to have this all worked out. I would just like some input in my idea so rather than going in like a chicken with my head cut off, I can go in like a chicken with its head only slightly severed.




  1. I think that's such a good idea. it's good that you've been thinking about it for a while.  and weaving "I am life" would be a good personal touch. I think having the roots like going to your toes would be really cool too, and just let the tree grow up from there.  

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