
An 11 year old girls Birthday Party?

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I need to know what to do please answer best answer gets 10 points and if you really want to get 10 points or help please give me ideas for a present Please and Thank You




  1. I have a great idea its KIDEOSYNCRASY themed party!

    there is a new video out called kideosyncrasy 2. It teaches kids to dance and stresses the importance of nutrition and exercise. It is geared towards kids ages 5-12 and may be a little challenging ,but i think they would have a great time doing it! It is such a great video with friendly kids teaching kids some dances. You will need to rewind a couple times but it could be a really fun party! If you go to their website you can get more info... here is some tips i got on a website regarding a kideosyncrasy party

    Tips for Throwing a Kideosyncrasy Birthday Party

    One Week before Party:

    1. Preview the Kideosyncrasy DVD to get some nifty ideas for staging the event, finding cool costumes and props and preparing yummy but nutritious snacks and drinks.

    2. Create customized invitations on your computer. Remember to ask your guests to bring props and costumes!

    3. Fill a large dressing trunk or box with hats, boas, sunglasses and other costume accessories. Choose bright, colorful items to mix and match!

    4. Recharge video camera batteries; buy film for cameras. You're going to create a video of your Kideosyncrasy show!

    Day before Party:

    1. Shop for healthy snacks and drinks. Buy paper goods.

    2. Choose one room in the house to rehearse and stage your Kideosyncrasy show. Move furniture to create a "stage" and a seating area for the audience. Make sure you have adequate lighting for the cameras!

    3. Prepare goody bags, including a copy of the Kideosyncrasy DVD for each guest to take home.

    Party Time!

    1. Cue up the Kideosyncrasy DVD to watch the Behind-the-Scenes footage. Pump up your guests to learn, rehearse and perform by watching the Kideosyncrasy cast as they run through the show!

    2. Watch the dance numbers on the DVD, and chose which cool dances you want to learn and perform.

    3. Dig through the costume trunk for neat accessories and props. Remember to be colorful and creative!

    4. Start rehearsing! Stop and start the DVD as often as needed to help you learn the dance moves.

    5. When you're ready to start the show, make sure the video camera is ready to record the action! Seat audience members and it's time for "Lights….Camera….Action!"

    6. After your show's finale, take a breather and congratulate yourselves on a job well done!

    7. Grab your healthy snacks and drinks, rewind the video of your Kideosyncrasy performance and sit back and enjoy the show!

    Volume 1 now available for $19.99 in both DVD and VHS format at or by calling 1-866-kideo-tv.

    Note to Editors: Please visit us at and use this code: and5678 - to access additional background information, biographies and photography.

    Mulholland and Warnick available for interviews.

    Performances possible.

    and as it says at the bottom performances are possible, you may even get to have some of the kids perform for you depending on your location!

    hope this helps!

  2. Skating rink? Inflatable Jumping House? Movie Theater? If its any of those I think it should be boy/girl by this age:) I think the best bet though is a slumber party.  Let her have a few girl friends over and rent movies like High School Musical and do make overs.  What kind of price range for gifts? Gifts: clothes (i know that store Justice in the mall also does make over parties), lotion, video games, prepaid cell phone, magazine subscription, things to decorate her room.  Good Luck!:)

  3. I have an 11 year old and she wanted nothing more than a sleepover with her friends and a couple Webkinz as presents.  She wanted the sleepover pretty simple, order pizza, rent a couple of movies, provide snacks, and leave them alone.

  4. I remember my 11 birthday. I had a sesame street party!

  5. makeup.clothes. spa kits. sims2 games. room stuff. hair stuff. lip gloss from bath and body. gift cards.

  6. -maybe a cell phone that what i got on Christmas eve (the day after my birthday it was my birthday gift)

    -have her friends over take them to the mall, or wherever they want to go to.

    -ask your daughter what her dream b-day gift would be but don't act specious!

    hope this helped!

    best of luck,


  7. you can get her a stuffed animal

    my girls are into magazines same age (bop,popstar,m,tiger beat)

    what ever she is really into

    best ideas

    take her out to eat and get a cake or

    ask her what she whants for her birthday don't make it ovious

  8. It really depends on what your 11 year old is into.

    If she likes animals:

    consider taking everyone to the humane society - call in advance and see if it's possible - to visit with the animals and help out. Who knows? You could inspire some of the children to become a vet!

    take them to a zoo, with permission from all parents of course and possibly some extra adult help

    or if she's into a specific animal and you have it available where you are, go there. like if she is into horses and you know someone who has a stable, take the party there

    If she likes cooking/baking:

    call a bakery and ask if they do parties or would be willing to do something to where the children can bake their own cookies or cakes or do that in your own home. It will make a mess but it's SO fun.

    If she likes makeup and hair and girly stuff:

    have a spa party at an actual spa if you can afford it. they can do nails and hair and even makeup

    have a spa party in your home with sliced cucumbers, facial masks, makeup, and the like. you can buy a lot of that stuff at the dollar store now. try to stay away from the foundations though in case she has black friends since they would feel left out; set up individual rooms or areas in one large room for different things - hair, makeup, polishes, etc

    you can buy kits now where they can make their own lip glosses. also mani/pedi kits. they sell them in the makeup section at Walmart, usually where the lipsticks are, near the bottom

    If she's into art/painting/drawing:

    buy a bunch of those large pieces of construction paper or pads of whte artist paper and coloring pencils, watercolor, and washable markers and allow the girls to be artistic.

    if the weather is good and you don't mind, buy a bunch of sidewalk chalk and have them draw on the pavement. hopscotch is always good and it will keep them active

    find a teacher (or a church) you can borrow an easel and small chalkboard or dry erase board from and play Pictionary. You can make up your own cards for this. Have your daughter help so you have a better idea of the things they know about and what they could actually draw.

    Rent movies that go along with the theme if it will be a sleepover and the guests will be there for a while.

    Make take home bags that go along with the theme as well. No matter how old someone is, they always like to go home with something.

    If you have one or can borrow one, get a Polaroid camera and take pictures throughout the party and drop them into the bags before you give them to the girls so they have a memory of it for their photo album or wall. If you don't have a Polaroid or can't afford to do the take home bags as well as everything else, take pictures anyway - of everything and everyone - and then, once they have been developed, have your daughter write thank you notes to everyone. Even if they did not bring a gift, she can thank them for coming and sharing in the celebration. Then add a picture or two to each card, making sure one is of that person specifically.

    As far as presents, it really does depend on what your daughter is into and what your family can afford. Children don't always need toys and gadgets just because it's their birthday. Buy her some really cool clothes, maybe some that are a bit more expensive than you would usually pay. Or a personalized jewelry set with her name and birthstone. If this were my child, I would tell her that the birthday party was her big present because they can get very expensive and then maybe take her out to a movie as just the family at a later date. Maybe have the party a few days before her actual birthday if the weekend allows and have her actual birthday as just a family celebration.

  9. here are some fun games and ideals

    i reccomend them for any party

    good luckk

    hope this helps

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