
Am i turning Emo?????????

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I dunno as the title says. i mean late ly i have just been reading a lot of suicide poems, i have been wearing a lot of black, i have been depressed lately for no reason i have been isolating myslef and hiding from the world, im am now hanging out with all of the emo kids at my school and i feel comfortable around them , my current girlfriend is emo. im always thinking about what death will be like how it will feel, randomly crying, sometimes to the point where i understand why people end their lives and think i feel the same. i so confused , well the question is not am i turning emo, but What Is Happening to Me? and Can i be Considered Emo. (also im not stereotyping emo here just the real emo people are like this. so dont be mad if i offend.)




  1. I don't think anything is wrong with you.
    Emo is more than just cutting and thoughts of suicide.
    It's a style, a music genre, and mainly a high school stereo type.
    I do call myself emo because I do cut and have attempted suicide many times.
    But if you have no reason to want to kill yourself,
    other than curiosity,
    I don't think you're emo,
    just experimenting with something different than you are used to.
    On the other hand,
    there might be deeper reason into why you are so different than usual,
    more than just plain curiousness.
    If you've been hurt lately that might be a key.
    You could also just want to hang out with a different group of people,
    and maybe try to understand how they look at life and why.
    But in all honesty,
    I don't think having people tell you what you are is going to help,
    it's a lifelong journey you have to take by yourself,
    discovering who you are is difficult,
    but it's worth it (:
    I don't think I helped any, but who knows

  2. im emo and i dont do things like that  for nothin  email me @

  3. lyk  i hve the emo fringe and i hang out with the emos  but ive started to cut mi wrisit is that a reali bad thing? plz im reali confused so if u can, can u help  thnx

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