
Am i too old to learn an instrument?

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im 21 years old and ive always wanted to play the oboe. most of the people i knew who played woodwinds started off when they were really young, like when they were in jr. high. but i still would like to learn. and i was wondering if im too old?




  1., not too old, but maybe a little off in the head for asking. You could learn to play every instrument in an orchestra before you're 30. That is if you have the willpower and want to.

    I have a friend that has been trying to learn Guitar for 10 years. It would help if he would pick up the instrument first.

  2. Nope :)

    I know someone who started violin at 50. Good Luck.

  3. I'm starting oboe  this week and I personally think it's a beautiful instrument. Now to answer your question, no. Your never to old to learn to play an instrument. It's something people want to do. If you have the willpower and strength (not to mention the breath power) you can definitely do it.

  4. i don't know about oboe but really, all learning how to play an instrument is about determination. if you are determined enough, you can learn anything at any age. i think it would probably be a little harder to learn, that's all. and you are just 21 not old at all.

  5. It's never too late!

  6. Don't be silly of course you not too old...  Most people start off so young because they can take band at there school.

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