
Am i g*y Bi or Straight I beg u !!! help me please please?

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I Really need ur help...please answer me and give me a loggical advices

im a 16 years old Guy i have a battle over 3 years asking my self am i g*y bi or straight i can't find out.... every time i say somthing diffrent

please help mee..

im Attracked to girls emotionaly i see girls attractive..... and i love beautiful and s**y girls

i have crushes on girls i want to have a wife and kids.. i have a crush on my 2 classmates (girls) im crazy about loving them!!!but i dont like to have sexual relationships neither s*x with girls

i dont hate it...but i dont like it .

i've never had a crush on a boy....i've never loved a boy in my school and i hate relationships with guys i find it disguesting ... only friendship not MORE!

but i like to m********e watching p**n and nude guys

i like g*y p**n and straight p**n 2. but i preffer g*y s*x more

So at last i can say im attracted to girls emotionaly ...i like to have a girlfriend and im attracted to guys sexualy not more

i konw my problem is hard but please

please please please help me

im depressed... u would be the one to help me to

find out.

thank u...Mercii




  1. You re g*y! Not Bi or anything, just g*y! be proud of it dude!

  2. you are what you are there is no need to label yourself or put yourself under a heading or in a box. you are just what you are go with your inner feelings and dont long as you are safe. as for the g*y s*x disgusting you i believe you feel this way due to society conditioning you to feel that way.  everyone is different everyone like and feels different things. just be who or what you want to be you dont need to label yourself. take care x

  3. Hmmm, well im a girl and let me tell you, i'm strait, but i like womens bodies more, but if u have s*x with a chick and you don't like it, or her naked body ur probably g*y or bi. But be true to urself, and dont get stressed. :)

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