
Am I the smartest person alive?

by  |  earlier

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Last night I was driving on a busy street talking on a cellphone (which is illegal in New York) and I see sirens in my rear view mirror. So I signal for a right turn and turn off the street onto a quieter street that is a better place to pull over. In the split second that the cop couldn't see my car while I was around the corner, I threw my phone out of the window into this bush. I pull over, he comes up, "license registration" etc. "Officer did I do something wrong?" "You know you did. You can't talk on the phone while driving without a headset." "I'm sorry sir but I don't even have a cell phone." "I don't have time for your s***, step out of the vehicle." He then searched me and the whole car, obviously didn't find a cell phone, and, very confused, apologized and drove away. After he bounced I went back and got the phone out of the bush. Am I awesome or what?




  1. not really. He could have seen you throw it out the car (which would give you a litter fee as well).

  2. no u didnt do that

  3. that was a smart move

  4. I would have just stuck it in my underwear. He couldn't touch it and he would think I have big junk.  

  5. Sharp move but take your lesson.

    NEVER do this again.

  6. Not really......

  7. LOLZ


    Wow that is sooo crazy. I give you credit. But next be much more careful, you dont want to hurt anyone.

  8. lucky u didn't miss the bush...then u would seriously not have a phone!

  9. You're not smart, just lucky.

  10. Yeah i guess but i would've just put my phone in my pants or underwear and if he tries to search there i'll get all legal on him for sexual harrasment!!

    Now THAT is smart!!

  11. yes i believe you are the smartest smarter than everyone on the planet together

  12. no cuz u r breaking the law

    good job

  13. LOL that's awesome!!!!

  14. you know what would be funny. if the police read things like this asnd realized who it was and tracked your ip and yahoo id to verify, then came over and served you a ticket later? now that would be you wouldnt be feeling so smart now eh.

  15. Good Think You weren't on 'The Brooklyn Bridge',!!

  16. lol

  17. Would you think it was awesome if someone broke your leg while driving and using a cellphone?  And would you think it awesome if you sued them for damages, and lost?

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