
Am I right or am I right?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, this question will probably get reported, but to be honest I don't care. I just want to get this point out there! If you agree with me then simply post you're right! If you think I'm way off, then post you're not right!

Here is the thing. I am so sick of logging on here on my other scn name, and seeing racism this and racism that!

I am white. I am here to tell you that not all white people hate blacks. Just like all blacks don't hate whites. Simple as that! WHO THE EFF cares what color you are?? We all bleed the same. We all die the same, and we all go to the same place. No matter what you believe in!

I wish all the race stuff could just come to an end, and we could all just see each other for what we are. PEOPLE. that is all!!! We are all just people!!! Some are white, and some are black. Some are Asian, and some are Latino...I wish we could all just be purple and call it even.

So, tonight I call it even I see us all as purple. I hope you get what I mean. I want every one to know. That no matter who you vote for or what you believe in that Obama is making history. I am proud of him. Being the 2nd black man to run, and actually standing a chance in this race driven country. I am proud not only to see a minority finally making it in this country, but to see that the majority or people can look past color and vote for a man of color!!!! It shows a lot for the people of this country!! Im proud some what of how far we HAVE come!!

Am I a Obama supporter?? No. However, I think it is wonderful to see some of our country looking past color, and looking at what matters!!

So, tonight America (or Yahoo Answers) I just want you to know that color doesnt matter! What you are matters! If that happens to be a loving person, who looks past skin, and material things then KUDOS too you!

Thank you for listening! I know this seemed pointless, but it has a point I promise! The point is..... Color doesnt matter! Try looking at your neighbor and yourself as just being purple, and tomorrow will be a better day for all of you!!

Much Much love,





  1. YES!! You Are Totally Right! x*x

  2. your right but racism still exist i personally think white people are actually less racist than the other races because we were known for slavery so now we just try to not look racist even though we are still stereotypically called racist because of a bunch of old guys a hundred years ago  

  3. Thank you its about time someone finaly says it i agree with you ahshley and i hope everyone will eventually realize that

  4. this is the internet. no one can see u or get to u. therefore people r going to show their true colors. unfortunately it's usually an ugly side. no one would go out in public sayin how much they hate whitey or something like that

    i think ur right

  5. you are very right.


    half of the people are voting for Obama BECAUSE he's black.

    which he is only half.

    Even though i cannot vote, i like to listen to what they are going to do as president. Half of the people are saying, let's vote for him because he's black and we need a change, and half are saying, we're not voting for him because he's black.

    but i do not want to be purple, my color (heritage, really) is a part of me. I am middle eastern, and im dang proud of it. I am a descendant of the people who created the first civilization known to man, who created irrigation, and one of the seven wonders of the ancient world!

    so color does matter, but in good ways too! i do not want to be the same as everybody else, i love being myself. sure, i have tanner skin, but it is a part of me. i like people looking at me and know where i come from. i don't care what they think of that, it doesn't matter to me :]


    you are very right though. :D

  6. There is no way i would report this question. Its based on a fair point. Some of the questions here are based on stupidity. Blacks vs whites, women vs men, poor vs rich, christians vs athiests. I dont see those questions being reported let alone being deleted.

    Colour is a beautiful thing and we should never take it for granted. Imagine living in a world with just one colour. I think most the time people tend to stereotype. h**l im dark skinned but i live in a nice area and everytime i open the front door the person at the other end gives me this strange stare as if to say "Whoa what are you doing in a nice house like this". We are all equals with different strengths and weaknesses. They're the only differences i believe

  7. You're right-Obama will be easily defeated not because of race but because of his liberal ideology

  8. You are right, color has nothing to do with the fact that Obama is not qualified to to be President but maybe he got in under an affirmative action plan.


  10. well i think you are right that the color issue is a problem and i also agree that it needs to stop bit i think that many politicians just use the whole racism card to make obama seen as more of a victim. there are racist ppl in this country but i think that since there is racism from many different cultures that it evens out rather than actually deciding our president. i think if ppl really wanted the race thing to be discarded then it wouldn't be brought up at all by any minority or majority because it either reflects them using it to pity themselves or reflects it bringing themselves above others. i don't think the "racism" issue is really affecting this election.

  11. we need more people like you. i just started yahoo answers a few weeks ago and i cant believe some things people say i dont get mad i just get sad. but people want to feel like they are better than others i guess. its going to take time but i think everyone some time in the future will realize that we are not white, black, brown, yellow we are human.  

  12. Your right in what you say but on the flip side of this many whites would put aside race as an issue if the black would stop using the race card ever chance they get.  You can't say that they don't.

  13. as mixed as a person can get and ur EFF'in right my purple friend. good message

  14. read every word and u are right

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