
Am I in danger of becoming Bulemic?

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So... If I feel overly full, like if I over-eat - like eat a whole chipotle burrito and feel like I'm so stuffed I'm gonna be sick... I will just give in to the inevitable and go throw up in the bathroom if I can do so in private.

I got a pint of ice cream last week, and I finished it today. I didn't think anything of it 'cause I'd only had like "some" every day - not like a lot, and I used little bowls and didn't heap it on... but my roommate comes in and saw the ice cream container in the trash and said, "Oh my god, did you eat all that ice cream ALREADY?" with this complete look of disgust on her face and I was shocked, and now I feel like I should go puke.

But it has been 10 hours since I ate that ice cream this morning and it wouldn't come back up if I tried. I hardly ate at all today - just an apple and some toast otherwise.

Does my reaction to her disgust point to a budding problem? I probably won't eat tonight now. I feel nauseas.




  1. my question is how tall are you and how much do you weigh? don't be embarrassed we can't see you.

  2. I'm not sure about bulimia but you do seem to have some food issues. Maybe you could speak to a counsellor or someone?

  3. You said you had a pint of ice cream ?  That ice cream wouldnt have made it home to my freezer, I am an ice creamaholic, I would say that your roommate needs to get alot more information about things if she wants to judge or criticize, or else shut up,,  or like the saying goes "If you dont have anything nice to say then dont say anything at all" You are an adult, your roommate isnt with you all day long to see what you do and Do NOT eat, shes not counting your calories, Dont let her get to you, You know how much and when you eat, and apparently you have it under control, I would tell her to MHOB.  (Mind Her Own Business)  

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