
Alot of questions on here really HURT DISGUST me.?

by  |  earlier

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and there are alot more.

i cant help but to think there are people out there who are shtty people enough to have to pick on others i wont lie i used to do it when i was younger but as i got older i got over it, i didnt see a point because it truly could hurt other people? does anyone go on and browse and find questions like this? and i get really angry and speechless. i cant believe so many people in the world have to feel so alone and go through so much hurt, it hurts me too. i wanna help but i dont know how. i want everyone to feel accepted. even if that cost me to be less accepted. idk why i really take some of the things here to heart and they make me cry.

my heart goes out to everyone in pain.

im trying to understand how kids can be so cruel but i really cant..




  1. that's when you stop worrying about other people, and worry about yourself.  you can't help everybody

  2. Because someone has been cruel to one kid and then that kid takes it out on others causing more and more kids to be cruel.

  3. This is real life. We all have lessons, things that test us, things that hurt us to make us learn about ourselves. you cannot live anyone else's life for them. concentrate on your own, be the best you that you can be. Getting angry on behalf of someone else is an avoidance technique for not dealing with our own stuff.

  4. people are strange in that they need to feel greater than others.i mean to win someone has got to lose but when some of these jerks pick on people who cant or wont defend themselves if you have compassion in your heart yo cant help but feel like lashing out. crying doesnt help though my  friend. help the helpless when you can and try to keep spreading your message of goodwill minus the tears...

  5. Survival of the Fittest

    It's cruel but nature does it all the time.  Thats life, the weaker either crawl in their holes and get forgotten or dissapear completely.  People who are deppressed and like your example who said he's never had a girlfriend, I think thats the way nature keeps them from reproducing and having weak people on this world.  Life is great if you make it.

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