
After awhile do you get a tolerance to adderall?

by  |  earlier

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Today (Sunday) I look Adderall and I want to take it on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Would i grow a tolerance towards it on the forth day?




  1. Yeah, totally.  1 30mg used to get me going and now it takes 4.  The tolerance is a *****!

  2. Absolutely!  Adderall is a stimulant, working on the brain similarly to Methamphetamine and Cocaine.  

    Most people taking Adderall will build a tolerance, and perhaps an addiction, to the drug.  

    Adderall can work very well for some medical problems, such as narcolepsy, but for many people the problems associated with the drug much outweigh the benefits.

  3. i used to take it and after a while it cut my appitite and i couldnt sleep

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