
Actual Unemployment Rate?

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What can affect the actual unemployment rate?




  1. No... they base it on a survey of 100,000 households.

    Anyway, demand for labor affects the unemployment rate most. If an economy is doing well, demand for labor will be higher, and unemployment will be low, and vice versa.

  2. 13.5% in America. I read that just the other day. That is the "REAL" number.

    There is a system that is presently being used, God, I wish I could remember what it's called ... but by throwing this little attribute in, the (actual) numbers seem to fall down to the 5.5 range presently. Using this (WETF it's called) is keeping people B.S.ed so no one panics. - But yeah, the truth is, 13.5% unemployment. MSN-Money is where I got this info from.

    I was one of the 39,000 construction workers laid off back in Feb. 08 and got jacked around trying to get Unemployment Benefits. I got 3 weeks of benefits and closed my claim because my former employer was reporting that I worked when I didn't ... he didn't want to pay for me to be home. Not my fault there's no work.

    I just got hired at an Elderly Facility, working in the Laundry and Housekeeping Department. From a strong tan Construction worker, to putting soiled laundry in a huge washer, then folding it. (Sh*ty job but somone needs to do it.)

    So, other than the 3 weeks I received benefits, I wasn't being counted as unemployed. To the Statistics, I didn't even exist because I didn't go on Welfare either... Wife just worked her @ss off.

    Thank God I married a woman who cares about me more than George W. Bush cares about America!

    I hope this answers your question. Good luck out there!

  3. They base it on how many people file for usually the rate is actually higher than what you are told because not everyone is eligible for the benefits.

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