
About body piercings and tattoos, would this be a problem when looking for employment in the Philippines?

by  |  earlier

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i just answered a question about tattoos and now i'm curious if having body piercings and tattoos make it harder to find employment.




  1. it is actually not a problem..i have officemates here beside me that has piercing and i saw someone from other team that has a i think it's not a problem...

  2. These are common nowadays but I am sure, tattoos will have a problem when it comes to blood donation.  You cannot help anyone if you have tattoos.

  3. if you're in the arts or advertising there's no problem. if you're applying at a bank it's another matter.

    it all depends on whether the boss is conservative or not. in general bosses don't mind tattoos as long as they're not too conspicious

  4. Actually it shouldn't.

    But because certain industries & job positions generally require a more traditional/non-offensive "look" then having piercings & tats would definitely work against having a chance to be even considered for them.

    Usually these are in the hospitality & service industries & positions that requirement direct contact with clients/customers/people.

    The Medical & the Food Industry would also be included in this short list. As well as running for public office & owing/running/representing your own business.

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