
A list of things that should be seen as universally unethical?

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I am starting on a project and I am trying to come up with a list of things that should unequivocally be seen as unethical by society. I want you to think of several items for me, and for each item you can think of to explain briefly why it should be seen as universally unethical. Thanks,




  1. Child abuse and spouse abuse.  Its human nature that prolongs such unnecessary behavior.

  2. The scariest part about your question is that you even HAVE to ask. Universally unethical means morals that have been commonly accepted as a given, no need to describe the obvious. But you want a list of things we all (hopefully) see as commonly wrong. If you don't already *know*, then any explanation would be lost on you.

  3. rape- because having s*x with a person without their consent and by force is horrible

    war- killing just because you want to or for whatever religious or political reason should be universally unethical

  4. It's basically impossible to find anything to call "universally" unethical due to cultural relativism. What appears "obviously" unethical to one culture may be perfectly acceptable in another, and vice versa.

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