
A good plan for losing weight?

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Hello. I'm 18 years old, 230 pounds and about 5'10.

Yeah, I know, pretty bad shape, eh?

So I decided to finally take control of this problem once and for all.

I'm keeping a ~1500 calorie a day diet, and going on the treadmill for about 15 minutes a day @ 5mph. (I sweat like a dog after that, planning on increasing the time as time goes on.)

I know basically nothing about weight loss, etc, so could anyone help me out (in layman's terms) with a better weight loss plan? I'm mostly interested in just losing weight now, and worrying about muscles once the weight comes off. Is this ok?

Anyway, I'd appreciate any feedback, and a TON of the weight I gained has been from binge drinking, so I suppose that will begin to go away quick now that I've stopped drinking.

Thank you.




  1. This is a good time to quit smoking.  You could get yourself detoxed.  This will help with your endeavors to quit smoking.

    Drinking will only help you to increase in weight if what you drink are mostly sweet stuff (stuff sweetened with refined sugar) or your body is very toxic.  That is food your body cannot use or that is a poison to your system is stored in the tissues and causes water retention.  

    Ironically, poor nutrition may be an important factor in obesity.  When there is inadequate intake of certain essential nutrients, fat is not easily or adequately burned and can accumulate in the body.

    The amount of calories required varies from person to person. Therefore there is no need to worry about the amount of calories you consume as about eating the proper foods.  Rotate your foods, and be sure to eat a variety of foods.  Eat meals that consist of a balance of proteins, complex carbohydrates, and some fat.  Proteins can increase your metabolic rate by as much as 30%, and help to balance the release of insulin by prompting secretion of the pancreatic hormone glucagons.  Protein-induced glucagons, mobilizes fats from the tissues in which it is stored, thus aiding in weight loss.  By eating balanced meals you get more steady blood sugar levels and the ability to burn stored body fat for long-term weight loss.  Eat mainly plant proteins, such as nut, seeds, and grains.

    Eat fresh fruits and an abundance of raw vegetables.  Have one meal each day that consists entirely of vegetables and fruits.  Use more low calorie vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, green beans, kale, lettuce, onions, radishes, spinach, and turnips.  Eat more of the low calorie, low-carbohydrate fruits including,  apples, cantaloupe, grapefruit, strawberries, and watermelon.

    Eat foods raw where possible.  Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water each day.  Also include home made fruit juices and vegetable juices in your diet.  Eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables - at least all kinds that you can get your hands on.  Just eat more of the low cal., low carb ones.  And do not forget to take exercise.  

  2. Hello!

    Firstly, you need to be careful with weight loss. Rapid weight loss really isn't healthy for you and if you are planning on losing weight for an event, then you need to plan in advance. Typicaly guidelines are 2 to 3 pounds weight loss a week is healthy. More than that and you do run a risk of damaging yourself.

    Losing weight is, in itself, relatively easy. You need to

    1) Consume Less Calories

    2) Burn More Calories

    What is difficult is the motivation for weight loss.

    Most people struggle to lose weight because they do not have the motivation and because they give in to all the temptation around.

    I personally have found that hypnosis is an excellent way to deal with weight loss motivation as it works with the subconscious mind and really helps you get motivated. A good hypnotist can also do things like stop you craving chocolate and sweet things and help you be more motivated with exercise and the like.

    I've also found that as the excess weight starts to drop off I am feeling much more self confident and better about myself.

    All the best to you!

  3. well, its good hat u are eaing enough calories. try getting up early un the morn and going for a long walk, burns lots of cals(if ur going fast) and als energizes u. up ur time on the treadmill, eat acai berries, go easy on carbs, drink green tea, and try yoga- it burns SO many cals

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