
28th amendment to the constitution. Any ideas?

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I'm stumped. I need to propose a 28th amendment to the constitution for my Government class. I have no clue what would make a good one.





  1. to ligalize weed

  2. Illegilize abortion

    legalize marjana


  3. I have to write a paper proposing a 28TH amendment too and I have no clue what to write either.

  4.  bologna


  5. fail

  6. 1. line item spending veto for President

    2. automatic continuing resolution at same funding levels should a spending bill not be passed by Congress before start of fiscal year

    3. line item (specific program) spending prohibited; instead Congress must block fund entire agenices and allow Administration to spend funds on the programs it deems necessary and acceptable.

    4. repeal Income Taxation

    5. enact Value Added Tax at rate set by Congress but not to exceed 20%.

    6. the ever popular but foolish Balanced Budget Amendment.

    7. representation in Congress for DC and american possessions

    8. congressional districts to be drawn by Federal Appeals Courts.

    9. direct election of Senators repealed.

    10. damages in civil lawsuits required to be apportioned among losers in proportion to jury's determination of their proportionate share of guilt with full disclosure to juries of all settlements with other parties.

    11. automatic citizenship only for natural offspring of American citizens, no matter where a child is born.

    12. Subsidies to business organizations banned. [Normal government procurement defined to not be a subsidy

  7. 1. line item spending veto for President

    2. automatic continuing resolution at same funding levels should a spending bill not be passed by Congress before start of fiscal year

    3. line item (specific program) spending prohibited; instead Congress must block fund entire agenices and allow Administration to spend funds on the programs it deems necessary and acceptable.

    4. repeal Income Taxation

    5. enact Value Added Tax at rate set by Congress but not to exceed 20%.

    6. the ever popular but foolish Balanced Budget Amendment.

    7. representation in Congress for DC and american possessions

    8. congressional districts to be drawn by Federal Appeals Courts.

    9. direct election of Senators repealed.

    10. damages in civil lawsuits required to be apportioned among losers in proportion to jury's determination of their proportionate share of guilt with full disclosure to juries of all settlements with other parties.

    11. automatic citizenship only for natural offspring of American citizens, no matter where a child is born.

    12. Subsidies to business organizations banned. [Normal government procurement defined to not be a subsidy

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