
2 women travelling alone in Mexico?

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My mother and I want to go to Mexico for a week by ourselves. We've been to Mexico plenty of times before but we always had a Mexican man with us. Although I speak Spanish, my mother is still concerned that we'll encounter trouble. But I've read many articles saying that women are safe alone in Mexico as long as they dress appropriately and use common sense. Are there any women out there who've traveled to Mexico alone? Is it safe for us?




  1. ok i am a canadian and all my family lives in mexico and i can honestly tell you that if you stay in certain parts of mexico you will not be harmed.

    cities like cuernavaca and cancoon are ok and just as long as you and your mom stick together you will be fine

  2. It no different than going to Phoenix Arizona, San Bernardino California.

  3. You are going to be safe, just us common sense.

  4. dont go places that it look poor because there is where you can get jump and get your stuff stolen like me and there is some perbs in those poor parts that can do bad things if ur not careful


    hope you are ok when you come and have a great vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  5. Listen to Glow Wings.  Mexico has changed and not for the good.

  6. I lived in Mexico alone for a year while teaching English. Americans are so dramatic! common sense is your friend it's not as bad as people say it is actually i prefer Mexico to the states. and contrary to the other responses the deeper you go into mexico the "poorer" it seems but the safer you are! generally mexican people are very calm in small towns.

    bigger "richer" cities are far more dangerous

  7. Traveling is o.k. and Mexico is o.k.

    HOWEVER, 2 women is not so good. You need a man, or a bf to go with you for protection and so forth.

    If you hesitate, there is a reason, you are asking here.

  8. Well iv traveld there by my self. As long as you use common sense and dont go wondering by your self were it looks run down you will be fine. Like i sayd use common sense and stay with your mom.

  9. In these days and times, I would not suggest it.  We don't even go any more as a family!  We had plans to go to our condo in Hawaii this year, but we have decided to stay here and vacation here in the states! There are so many places and things to do right here in our own back yard.  Be smart and play it safe!

  10. It´s as safe as any place, especially for foreigners.

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