
1st time on bike for years.?

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i just got a new carrera banshe mountain bike, haven't cycled for years. i want to get fit and lose a couple of stones. what's the best way for me to get into it? short rides pushing myself or longer less demanding rides?




  1. You should do both.

    Some days, do long easy rides to build aerobic conditioning.

    Some days, do steep hills and shorter all-out sprints to build leg strength.

    Perhaps put a few sprints or hills into your long rides.

    Mix it up.

  2. you have got to have balance to ride a bike if you remeber so, if you dont have balance sharpen up on that one.

  3. First, start having fun.  That will motivate you to continue.

    Second, do some longer rides at a pace at which you can still hold a conversation while still breaking a sweat.  That's your aerobic, fat-burning stage.

    Third, throw in some hills or some flats where you get out of your breath range.

    You don't have to ride over your head all of the time to get better.  You need hard days and recovery days.  It's been correctly said many times that we don't work hard enough on our hard days and don't ride easy enough on our recovery days.  Your body needs to rebuild after efforts.

    But, again, just do some enjoyable rides and get a consistent pattern going.  Take it from there.

    And congratulations for getting back on the bike.  You'll love it, and you'll feel good.

  4. Hi.  You want to set yourself a level of challenge that you can stick to.  Ideally, you should use the bike as part of your daily routine.  Until a couple of years ago, I was in a similar position to you - I hadn't cycled for 20 years.  I started cycling 10 miles to work and back, first once a week, then twice a week for two weeks, then three times a week for a month, and so on.  Listen to your body.  When you start out, you won't be as efficient as you can be.  Be patient.  Learn how to stretch your quads and calves after a long ride. Drink plenty and even if you're trying to lose weight, eat an apple, banana or similar high-carb snack straight after a long ride.  That'll help replenish the glycogen in your muscles and liver that you need for tomorrow's ride.  I wish you all the luck!

  5. u should push yourself a little bit more every day and soon you will be suprised! i have done it you cant stop when tired you got to push yourself

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