
1978 silver colored penny

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  1. My brother built his own ham radio when he was in high school back in the '70's.  He used a silver etching to make the circuit boards ( I don't think it was actually silver, probably aluminum).  He started coating pennies with it and passing them out as a "prank"  I'm sure that other people probably had the same idea & that is probably what you have.          Jacob is right, You should scratch it & you will probably find a plain old penny.

  2. Why would you say to scratch it??? Why tell someone to ruin a coin that you know nothing about. It's not silver it's probably aluminum and pretty rare. Hope he didn't take your stupid advise!

  3. Hate to share the bad news, but the U.S never officially issued any silver penny. So yours was either struck in the wrong planchet or it has been coated in silver for some decorative purpose. Try taking a knife or letter opener and scratching the surface. if you find copper underneath, its just a penny.


  4. I have a 1978 silver colored penny.

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