
10 Ways the government affects our lives?

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I need some help for political science homework. Can anyone give me some ways?!




  1. Everything.

    Seriously think of something and government is involved somehow. From regulating your shampoo you use in the shower, to providing your education. They have their hands in everything even our food and water.

  2. it affects how much money you make, your health and quality of care, your driving, your marriage, if you go to jail or not,  if you can carry a gun, getting a job, your retirement, your ability to travel (transporation),  how many children you can have, how much land you can own,what kind of television you can watch, your chances of being a victim of a crime, where you can travel to and how and when,  and so on and so on

  3. The government effects our lives NEGATIVELY every day and it's not getting any better.

    Read about how "not for the people" they really are.

    INFOWARS.COM or PRISONPLANET.COM will help you understand a little better.  The main stream media will never tell you whats going on, so read it at the links listed below.  The government is all corrupt for the most part.

    Yes, I will embrace the thumbs down, as I have grown to accept people feeling i am wrong for being "anti government"

    I only see what's truly there people.....wake up!

  4. civil rights

    war on terror

    patriot act

    Roe vs.Wade


    social security act

    labor board




    Hope some of this helps

  5. -taxes

    -laws (speed limits, drugs, etc)

    -public schools

    -building/maintenance of public infrastructure

    -jury duty

    -police and fire stations

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