
Where can i get Isopropyl Alcohol ( Rubbing Alcohol )?

by Guest64692  |  earlier

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Where can i get Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) in Vancouver BC, Canada buying large amount ex: 2 L. 3L. and so on because of work. Wanted real shop in Vancouver not online order




  1. Shoppers Drug Mart or any other local drug stores will have rubbing alcohol.  Typical size is around 250 mL per bottle, so you may have to buy a few bottles to get the volume you need.

    Please beware that the store may not sell you a large volume at one go, because isopropyl alcohol is used in some illegal drug manufacturing process.

    Hope that is not the reason why you are asking.

  2. Any drug store or supermarket!  As for the huge size you want, maybe COstco, but I don't know if it even comes in 2 or 3 litre sizes.  You may have to buy several smaller sizes.

  3. any pharmacy, they can do special order for you.

  4. Try your local drug store. Walgreen's, Osco, or any local drugstore should have it in liter bottles. Major department stores that also carry common over the counter pharmaceuticals usually have it.

  5. Dollarama

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