
What is Saga? Like twilight saga?

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I've read the twilight series, but what is a Saga? I don't get what Saga is?




  1. sa·ga  /ˈsɑgə/  Ã¢Â€Â“noun

    1. a medieval Icelandic or Norse prose narrative of achievements and events in the history of a personage, family, etc.  

    2. any narrative or legend of heroic exploits.  

    3. Also called saga novel. a form of the novel in which the members or generations of a family or social group are chronicled in a long and leisurely narrative.

    I don't really get what #1 has to do with 'Twilight' considering it's not from Iceland or Norway, but maybe #2 or #3 would be the most accurate definitions for the 'Twilight' saga. I just make it easy and call it the 'Twilight' series (: Hope I helped!

  2. saga is scandinavian folklore or just like the poster above me said, a heroic tale/legend

    Examples of saga are beowulf and grendel or las nibelunglied.

    I would call twilight series as it's not a legend, and sagas are always set in the past.

  3. Team Switz said it all.


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