
What fast food restaurants will hire 13 year olds?

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im 13 and i want a job besides lawn mowing and babysitting.




  1. i really don't think there is such a place well maybe depending on where you live but the earliest i think they hire is  at 14 or 15

  2. Most places you have to be 15 with a worker's permit to get a "real job".

  3. None in california but every state might be different.  I think you have to be 15 here and have a workers permit signed.

  4. None. You have to be at least 14 years old.

  5. None of them.  U have to be 16 years old.

  6. why restaurants. you can try establishments like wall mart or target. But I have a feeling that child labour is not encouraged.This is the age of education.

  7. I am 11 and everyday after school from 3 to 10p.m. I work at McDonalds. I have been working there for two years. i also work on weekends.i go to work at 9 and get home at 8p.m. They pay me 10$ an hourat the regester and 20$ an hour cooking. Good luck!

  8. No business can legally hire you until you are 16, this is a federal law. You may also need a state working permit.

  9. In Canada SOME fast food restaurants will hire 13 year olds. In parts of Canada the minimum age that a person can be hired at is twelve, but it is up to the discretion of the particular company as to whether or not they will hire 12, 13, and 14 year olds. Fast food places that deal with grills and vats(Wendys, McDonalds, Arbys) are hesitant to hire younger teenagers because they are legally not allowed to work grill or even drop a basket of fries. (A McDonalds I used to work at got in trouble because they let kids under 15 work  grill). In fact, where I live, kids under 15 are not even allowed to make coffee! Many regular restaurants will hire "bussers" to clear tables and many fast food restaurants will hire kids under 15 or 16 to do cleaning, or maybe even work on till. You might also want to see if any grocery stores will hire you to bag groceries.

    You might want to check into the labour laws in your state/province to find out what the minimum age is that kids can be hired at. If it is 15 or 16, you will not be able to get a job at any company until you are that age.

    A few suggestions besides lawn mowing and babysitting--do you know anyone who owns a small business? Ask them if you can get involved. Before I worked for McDonalds, I worked for a friend of the family in her pottery shop. It was my first "real" job and lots of fun. Of course, you could always deliver flyers or newspapers as well.

    Hope this helps!!

    I know where you're coming from. When I was younger, I wanted a job SOOOO  bad! When I was 14 I finally got one. I was lucky enough to live in a place with a low minimum hiring age and a shortage of workers, so it wasn't too hard to find a job.

  10. micdonalds

  11. A lot of businesses will hire under age kids. As far as I know, as long as you don't work full time, let it interfere with your schooling and keep your grades up you can be hired. At the digression of the Management. Without violating any labor laws.

  12. Mcdonalds maybe..... they hire at 15 where I am

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