
What benefits do soldier's medal recipients receive?

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  1. I never heard any thing about a 10 percent increase for a soldier metal i retired 30 years ago

    I received a soldier metal in vetnam. what can I do about it now. 

  2.  I also was awarded the Soldiers Medal and was medically retired after Iraq. I was told the same as the others the reg. clearly states that you must retire after twenty.

    Do they even take this into consideration. I mean I already had 15 in If I was not wounded I would have done my twenty. there must be some body to take this to.

  3. I also received the Soldiers Medal and for many years received a 10% increase in my retirement pay, they I got a letter saying that because of budget cuts the 10% would be stopped.  Then I received another letter saying they was being appealed and that I would hear something about it and that they were trying to get it reinstated.  Nothing followed.  I now understand that the 10% is being paid to soldiers that receive the medal.  What can be done.  Chuck Irwin

  4. As I heard that and 10 cents buys you a cup of coffee.

  5. I entered the Army on 17 June 1958 & retired Nov. 1981, I was awarded the soldiers Medal on February 28,1968 in the republic of Vietnam for heroism, when i retired , ididn't file for the 10% thru va , i automaticaly started receiving it , then it was shortly after that, i was informed that it was being stopped and was not being held responsibile to pay back what i had already received , I have never filed thru va , i'm wondering if i'm still elgible to receive the additional 10%.

  6. None if you do not serve a full 20 even if discharged with service connected injories

  7. I have one, nothing.

  8. 10 % on military retirement. That's 10% more of what they would normally get upon retirement. That's it, however, it is a remarkable award in and of itself. You also get the satisfaction of a high ranking officer stopping you to ask how you got it and it better be because you earned it and not because you thought it was cool to wear.

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