
How to come from sudan to london uk?

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I have a brother in sudan. He wants to come to uk for study and work reasons. He is refugee so he got permission to stay in khartoum sudan. He hasn't got any passport so he can't travel easily. I tried for him to get a passport but I couldn't.

I am still writing to uk embassy in sudan but I still dont get any reply.ones he get a passport ( i think then the only thing he need is an air ticket and visa). It would be better to get DV but DV takes long time.

so we'r seeking help information so we can be success.




  1. He could go to the Embassy/Consulate and ask for asilum, And, take it from there.

  2. By camel.

  3. Dont, stay where you are, and tell your brov to stay where he is

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