
How do Anthropologists conduct their research and studies?

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  1. There are many ways, depending on which branch you are focusing on; forensics, cultural, physical. primatology....For cultural alone, there is participant observation, informants or outside observation...I really am not as far along in my studies to know the research methods of primatology or  forensics yet, but I'm working on it...all I can say is, I love my major!

  2. They have to behave like police "undercover agents"...

    When you Immerse yourself into a new culture, you must remain separate from it, otherwise you can lose your objectivity, by getting to deeply involved in the culture, also known as "deep cover"...

    If that happens, you can lose your scientific value...

  3. Re : the answers given here, I now know what it means, To go from the ridiculous to the sublime.

  4. well for one thing they literally will go out and spend lots of time with the ppl they will be studying. They follow tehre behavior and eat what they eat. But they will manly stay in an area where they can observe and get a feel for their behavior, personalities, just the way they precieve things and behavior....just how they live, are and act.

    When conducting such studies they have to make sure they r welcome there,  and when making opinions etc they must not be biased since they come from another culture and world so to speak than te ppl they r studying.

    Its very interesting work but it is hard to not be biased bcuz they know a different culture but is defiently doable and interesting!

  5. It really depends on what type of anthropologists they are. For example, some anthropologists will go out into the field conducting field studies on living people, but some might study historical texts while others dig holes and study remains of human societies and even still others may study genetics and growth patterns in populations.

  6. Carefully. And with much learning and study behind them.

  7. one way only. FIELD RESEARCH. Regardless of the anthopology branch, all anthropologists must go out and do research in the field. This could be living within indigenous societies, searching for fossils, doing language polls, etc.

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