
Hiv can pass through food if the blood is mixed with the food, does any one was efected this way?

by  |  earlier

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  1. ye yes it happened  

  2. the probability of that happening is reallyyyy low...

    anyway, HIV is actually Human Immunodeficiency Virus

  3. This is a case of mental illness...

    A psychiatrist may help...

  4. may be, u have to go for a check,  

  5. may be but generaly its possible

  6. No. HIV can live only in live blood cells

  7. never heard of it... but here some sick b*****d was infected and he pierced himself with a sawing needle, and went to the cinema... and stuck it on the chair and then ppl come and sit, and got pstung and infected too... he infected 22 children and 13 adults... !!

    Where I come from. if you are infected with a transmittable disease, you are quarantined and not allowed out for the rest of your life!

  8. it is highly unlikely. HIV cant live outside the body for long. And if you for what ever reason eat food mixed with it .....ewwww...

    It would not be able to survive in you digestive system in order to give anyone HIV.

    The better question is why do you ask ?  

  9. Very very unlikely. The HIV virus does not survive long outside of the body. Ask your doctor.

  10. Some already died because of that! It is real!

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