
Botany Questions & Answers

Plants silently show their existence and importance in our world. Botany exists as a separate science dedicated to the study of plants, which are broadly estimated to exist in more than 400,000 species on Earth known to date. Need of development of botany as a separate domain is due to the vitality of plants as a basic source of food, medicine, fundamental life processes and as a means for maintaining an ecological balance in environment.

Major issues that Botanist are interested are identification of unknown plants and native plants ( Phytogeography), Botanical Nomenclature, Horticulture and Gardening help, information on Wildflowers and Plant diseases. Some others are interested in in-depth medicinal use of Botany, Plant Morphology, Plant taxonomy, Herbaria, Botanical extracts, Phyto-chemicals, Paleobotanist and Phytopathological research and similar subjects. Some people are naturally plant collectors and require more information on botany. This section entertains everyone in a question and answer format. Botany related questions are inquired by users and responded by experts. You can contact through e-mail for a quick answer from a botanical expert, who will respond your query as it arrives in the queue. Mostly an instant response is presented, but there may be a need to hold-on at times.

If you are an expert botanist and you have a significant understanding about Botany, you can become an effective guide on this site. Check out the unanswered question section, find the inquiries you can supply best response to and assist people in finding solutions for their queries on plants, trees, flowers and related topics.

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